Workshop on: "Implementing new methods of education for promoting the Blue Growth initiative"

1 July 2020

Online format

Following the initiative launched by the County School Inspectorate of Constanta (ISJ Constanta) in collaboration with the International Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN IPS), to identify school activities in the field of the “blue growth” initiative, on 1st of July 2020, took place the Workshop entitled “Implementing new methods of education for promoting the Blue Growth initiative”.

In the opening of the debates, Prof.dr. Eden Mamut presented the issue related to the Blue Growth initiative, that was launched worldwide and at European level, several years ago, which aims to raise public awareness of the negative impact of the quality of water on the quality of life and health of people and the opportunities offered by the proximity to the oceans, seas, and other water glosses. This aspect has been emphasized by the European Commission in several directives that aim to develop a rigorous control of water quality and also on issues related to the economic sectors associated with water. The "Blue Growth" component is one of the European Commission's missions that aims to aggregate all resources by 2027 to promote care and concern for this issue at continental level.

In May 2018, in Burgas, was presented a Vision Paper that defined the goals of the future Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). One year later, in May 2019, in Bucharest, were presented and launched the two agendas: SRIA and The Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea, regarding the activities related to transport, development and investment. Thus, the two documents are two complementary documents.

Also, Prof. Mamut presented the Black Sea CONNECT project, focusing on the objectives and activities proposed for the field of education.

Further, it was presented the Analysis Report of the results obtained from the questionnaires applied for identifying the current situation regarding education in the field of the Blue Growth initiative.

In the end of the debates, a number of activities were proposed, as following:

Organizing an online platform for course support materials, including movies and recordings from the coastal area, maritime area, etc.;

Organizing events in the format of a festival or exhibition of scientific achievements for children;

Mobile caravans with a series of applications for children from rural areas or hard-to-reach areas;

Games and activities of artistic creation on scientific topics or protection of the marine environment.

Presentation - Prof. Eden Mamut

Video record